29 Gladstone St
Moonee Ponds. 3039
9370 5585

Good food choices?


Everyone has a "bad food day" occasionally! And don't we all love to sneak those little treats now and then.
However we are faced little choices each day which have long term implications for our health and our families health. A new web resource is available which is well worth a read. www.sugarbyhalf.com includes:

  1. A sugar calculator: became your own health guide and study your food choices
  2. Check out the easy swaps - find great suggestions for a healthy breakfast
  3. Evidence about how excess sugar effects us.

Check out www.sugarbyhalf.com



Our dedicated team is committed to caring for you with the highest quality dental care delivered with our comfortable, personalised and gentle manner.

About us

George and his team of committed dentists would love you to come and experience the care and dental expertise for which we are renowned.

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Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Govt. Child Dental Benefits
Child dental benefits schedule (Medicare) provides dental care for children 2 yrs to 17 yrs.*

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Healthy gums

Improve your gum health to help save your heart!

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Cleaning kids teeth

We think kids are really cute! We love giving kids a clean bill of dental health.
Healthy teeth = happy children and parents.
Don't wait for pain.

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Contact us

We are open:
9 am - 5.30 pm

29 Gladstone St
Moonee Ponds VIC 3039 AU

Moonee Vale Dental


Our Dentists +

Dr George Politis B.D.Sc (University of Melbourne) F.I.C.C.D.E.
Dr Ni Fung Lay DDS (Melb), BBiomed (Melb)


The premier dentist practice in Moonee Ponds and Essendon providing quality dental care at Moonee Vale Dental - Family orientated

Latest updates

Child Dental Benefits Schedule

Healthy gums

Cleaning kids teeth