29 Gladstone St
Moonee Ponds. 3039
9370 5585

When should teeth start to be lost or new teeth grow?

Q. My childs baby teeth are still present and the adult teeth are starting to come through - is this a worry?
A. This is quite common. It's often a sign that the mouth won't have enough room for the permanent teeth. See your dentist. Don't upset your child by saying the dentist will need to take teeth out. Let the dentist make the decision. If removing baby teeth won't benefit the child in the long term the dentist may leave nature to take its course.

Baby teeth eruption times: Very approximate
Upper and lower front 4 teeth - 6 to 16 months
Upper and lower canine teeth - 16 to 23 months
Upper and lower molar teeth - 1year to 3 years

Permanent teeth eruption times: Very approximate
Upper and lower front 4 teeth: 6 to 9 years
Upper and lower first molars(six year old molars): 6 to 7 years
Upper and lower canine and premolars: 10 -12 years
Upper and lower second molars(12 year old molars): 11 - 13 years
Upper and lower third molars( wisdom teeth): 17 - 25 years

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9 am - 5.30 pm

29 Gladstone St
Moonee Ponds VIC 3039 AU

Moonee Vale Dental


Our Dentists +

Dr George Politis B.D.Sc (University of Melbourne) F.I.C.C.D.E.
Dr Ni Fung Lay DDS (Melb), BBiomed (Melb)


The premier dentist practice in Moonee Ponds and Essendon providing quality dental care at Moonee Vale Dental - Family orientated

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